My First Quilt – Part 4: Quilt Sandwich, Yum!

Despite a lack of updates here, my quilt has actually progressed quite well. It’s *this* close to being finished which means I’m on track to meet my goal of “finish a quilt this year”. Really aimed high with that one didn’t I? In January it seemed achievable for a first timer and I can definitely say that were it not for the Wollongong Modern Quilt Guild and all the lovely ladies & our visitors at our monthly sew days who have given advice and encouragement, I may not have got this far.

So, time for a bit of catchup…

I picked up a stunning print from Kelani Fabric at the Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair. It’s called Fiesta Firecracker, from the Folklorica collection by Alexander Henry. I thought it would work well as it took similar bright colours from the front but used concentric circles which would mimic the quilting that I was planning. It also helped that it was a nice busy print on a white base so my rookie quilting wouldn’t show too much.

Back at our July Sew Day (yes that long ago) I took along my finished quilt top, the batting, and my backing fabric to prepare my quilt sandwich. I needed to join the backing first to make it wide enough (those long seams are scary!). When that was all ready I got some help from Rachael to tape it out taut on the floor and then we smoothed the batting out on top. Amy, of badskirt fame, helped with clever ideas for getting my top centred and then we pinned… and pinned some more. Huge thanks go out to Rachael, Diane & Jo who helped with the pinning, and came to the rescue with extra pins.

Rainbow Snapshots - Basting

One delicious sandwich all ready for quilting.